Monday 9 January 2012

make friends......:)

learn from your mistakes.....

ATTITUDE.....changes everything....

never EXPECT.........!!!

let life...learn from you.....

Life has been described by many people in different ways ranging from; life is short make it sweet to more serious ones like; life is like a dream, even before we realize it vanishes and so on. The various perspectives of life depend upon the beholder, how they enjoy it or decry it. But as a whole, this mankind is a precious gift offered to us that can be used either way.

Life can be made more useful by taking inspiration from quotes like the ones given below and life gives us every chance to rectify our mistakes-big or small. Life is full of experiments and we all learn by mistakes. These quotes are useful for those who take life seriously and thus they should make an attempt to enjoy it whereas it also finds great use for those who are depressed in life and draw inspiration to make the life more meaningful and bright.

never give up.......

When people say winners never quit, it really means not giving up on your ultimate goal, whether it is financial freedom, time freedom or anything you really want in life.